
Research and Research Projects :-

This centre has already completed the following short term projects –

  1. Images of Woman in Yagnavalkya Smriti by Dr. Bikram Keshari Mishra.
  2. Women Seers in the Rg Veda: A Study in Women's History by Dr. Snehi Chauhan.
  3. Diversions in Educational Aspirations of Women through the Ages by Dr. Rajani Joshi Chaudhary.
  4. Sanskrit for Girls: An Analytical Survey by Ms. Savita Rai, Research Assistant.

Projects in Progress: Following projects are in progress-

  1. Psychological Study of Gender at the stage of Adolescence by Prof. Rajani Joshi Chaudhary.
  2. A study of Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment of Girl Students of the University by Dr. Savita Rai.