Prof. Neelam Thagela
Liaison Officer
Professor, Department of Jyotisha
19.11.2023 to 18.11.2025
About SC/ST Cell
To ensure the effective implementation of the Reservation Policy of the GOI and the UGC in appointment, promotion, admission, allotment of staff quarters and student’s hostel, etc. and it's monitoring in the University, a Special Cell for the welfare of the SC/ST members has been set up in the University. Prof. Neelam Thagela, Department of Jyotisha has been functioning as Liaison Officer for SC/ST. It is important to place on record that there is much improvement in the number of SC/ST members in teaching and non-teaching staff and also in the enrollment of students in various courses in comparison to previous years.
The Cell has finalized Roster Registers of different teaching and non-teaching cadres. Advertisements issued by the Administration of the University were properly scrutinized and backlog vacancies were placed on record for advertisements. Statistical reports in respect of SC/ST employees were prepared and data was submitted to the HRD Ministry, Govt. of India and UGC.
Main objectives of the SC/ST Cell
- To implement the reservation policy for SC/ST in the University.
- To collect data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admission of students, appointments for teaching and non-teaching positions in the University.
- To take such follow-up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Govt. of India/U.G.C.
- To implement, monitor and evaluate continuously the reservation policy in the University and plan measures for ensuring the effective implementation of the policy and programmes of the Govt. of India.
Main Functions of the Cell
- To circulate Govt. of India & University Grants Commission's decisions and to collect, on annual basis, information regarding course-wise admission to candidates belonging to SC/ST category in the University in the format prescribed by a stipulated date and to take follow up action wherever required.
- To collect reports and information in regard to the Govt. of India's orders on the various aspects of education, training and employment of SC/ST candidates for evolving or modifying existing policy by the Commission.
- To circulate Govt. of India's orders and Commission's decisions and to collect information in respect of appointment, training of these communities in teaching and non-teaching posts in the University.
- To analyze the information collected and prepare reports and digests for onward transmission to the Ministry of HRD and UGC and such other authorities as may be required.
- To deal with representations received from SC/ST candidates regarding their admission, recruitment, promotion and other similar matters in the University.
- To monitor the working of the remedial coaching scheme in the University.
- To function as a Grievance Redressal Cell for grievances of SC/ST students and employees in the University and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems.
- To maintain a register for the candidates belonging to SC/ST category for various posts in the University.
- Any other work assigned from time to time to promote higher education among these two communities suffering from economic, social and educational deprivation.