स्नातक पाठ्यक्रम

Courses Faculty of Ved-Vedanga Faculty of Darshan Faculty of Sahitya and Sanskriti Faculty of Education Fees
Subject Subject Subject Subject Total Amount(Rs.)
Shastri (Shastri 3 years / 4years honours) Equivalent to B.A. / B.A. Honours  Veda, Paurohitya, Dharamshastra, Prachin Vyakarana, Navya Vyakarana, Phalit Jyotish, Sidhant Jyotish, Vastushastra Prachin Nyaya, Navya Nyaya, Sarva Darshan, Sankhya Yog, Advaita Vedant, Vishishtha Advaita Vedant, Jain Darshan, Mimamsa Sahitya, Puranetihas, Prakrit -- 3350
B.A. (Yoga) (3 years / 4 Years honours) -- Yoga -- -- 10400
Shiksha Shastri/B.Ed. (Two Years)  -- -- -- Shiksha Shastri/B.Ed 5650

Courses Eligibility

Shastri (Shastri 3 years / 4years honours) Equivalent to B.A. / B.A. Honours  Candidates who had passed 12th (10+2)/Uttar Madhyama / Prak Shastri level examination from any recognised board or equivalent examination with 40 % Marks.
Passing the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
Duration of the Course is 3/4 Years 
Max. age limit 25 years
No. of seats 185
B.A. (Yoga) (3 years / 4 Years) Candidates who had passed 12th (10+2)/Uttar Madhyama / Prak Shastri level examination from any recognised board or equivalent examination with 40 % Marks.
Passing of  Common University Entrance Test (CUET) conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
Duration of the Course is 3/4 years 
Max. age limit 25 years
No. of seats 50
Shiksha Shastri/B.Ed. (Two Years) (Four Semesters) At least 50% marks or equivalent grade either in Shastri / B.A. with Sanskrit and / or Acharya / M.A. (Sanskrit)
Passing of Common University Entrance Test (CUET) conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
Those who are appearing for qualifying examination can also apply.
Minimum age 20 yrs.
No. of seats 200
Any guidelines to be issued by the NCTE from time to time will be applicable.

Table of Fess

Sr. No. Course Admission Fee Identity Card Exam Fee Computer Fee Different Activities University Develo-pment Fund Library Fee Library Security  Journal Fee Sport Fee Faculty Development S.W Fee S.W. Council Syllabus Total
1 Shastri (Shastri 3 years / 4years honours) Equivalent to B.A. / B.A. Honours  200 50 300 100 200 0 300 1500 0 100 300 150 50 100 3350
2 B.A. (Yoga) (3 years / 4 Years honours) 200 50 300 100 200 0 300 1500 0 100 7350 150 50 100 10400
3 Shiksha Shastri/B.Ed. (Two Years) (Four Semesters) 250 50 350 100 500 0 300 1500 100 100 2100 150 50 100 5650